Everday = another productive day. So get to class on time! That's preaching for my own ears. La dee dah.
Some of us worked on gessoing, sanding, and getting those bird puppets to a real smooth start for the painting task. Others (myself) worked on little set furniture pieces-i.e. painting the table. Still others worked on the shadow puppet and the need to resolve mechanisms, how it would look flying horizonally across vs. flying away at a further distance.
This thing is far from finished. We realized today that perhaps we need to cut out the back (slits mayhaps?) to manuever the puppets better. We found that manipulating them from the bottom wasn't quite the easiness. And in order to get better control, the back would probably work out better. I've provided a little sketch to show what I'm talking about. We could 1) cut out the back entirely and separate it from the stage at a slight gap (so we can move it) - but still keep the back scenery and the window and the mother bird all intact OR 2) slits - little cutouts along the back so we don't have to cut out the entire back, and camouflage it with some set decor
Does it sound confusing? Check out the sketch. AND if still confusing well... then... I can't help you. just kidding. Hmm... and lastly.
The script. DOom doom doom. So unfortunately all of us are bad at writing. Well we are art students and not professed writers. So excused. BUT... our story relies heavily on dialogue and unless we are fantastic improvisators (is that a word?) then we need a script. Script I say! So I will attempt the feat of writing the script. Matt I see says he is willing to lend a hand to this. Thanks. Anyone else in the meantime decides for a yes as well, Well, let me know. Anyways, catch el birdio group on Sunday then. (seriously I'm not this "gay")
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