Friday, December 09, 2005
Thanks to my group who pulled through at the end. There were still re-working to be done. But for the length of time, I think the performance came out pretty well. So thanks to Cecilia, Farrell, Matt, Mike, Jon, and of course Arturo. Have a good break guys.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
story story who's got the story
So I wrote the story. I think we should do Jon's suggestion of blooper outtakes as part of the script. It's so short anyways. Plus, I think it's not strong or funny enough. I think it should be over the top. But you guys let me know what you think. Yay or nay. And of course feel free to change it up. Mix up dialogue and whatnot. Input = good.
here goes...
adapted from chicken little (but not really)
It's the Spring Season
**Narrator (2)
Papa Finch
Mother Finch (in the window)
Kid Finch
Sissy Finch
Baby Egg
Narrator (with an English accent): On a bright, sunny day. Come to think of it. It's always bright and sunny. I'm tired of fake sceneries.
2nd narrator: Oh come on, Niehls (some random name). Why do you always have to be so damn pessimistic? Aren't we trying to tell a nice story to the children?
Narrator (now named Niehls?) : Yes yes, but you're American. You know us Englishmen. We can't rely on our weather.
2nd narrator: Alright you've got a point. Let's continue then huh?
Narrator (Niehls) : Yes Yes, lets do. ... So anyways, It was bright and sunny (but mind you it was in California, where it can ONLY be bright and sunny)
[2nd narrator rolls eyes, but no one can see except script reading folks, thats you] at the barnyard. There was a finch. Now typically there are chickens running around in barnyards. But these were no ordinary finches you see. These finches have arrived from Xylotyl (pronunciation: "Zii-Lo-Toe") . Again generally the name xylotyl belongs to a strange little amphibian type creature, but in recent years, the creature sold their name and gave property rights due to their "supposed" need to take charge of their species and their need to revise history. So they sold the name to these finches on the planet now renamed Xylotyl. Now let's begin the story.
** Darkness. A green light darts across the sky. The light slows down and suspends in the air for a few seconds. (fog fills the room) . Out pops the family.
The family of finches that is. **
Act I : Scene I
** Pop is sitting in the chair. Watching the Television. He is unusually quiet this morning. Staring very blankly at the screen. It reads: "Invasion of Bird creatures on planet Earth (they're really right next door)". [other ideas to entertain: 1) it's hunting season on planet Earth - uh oh watch out birds. 2) over-populated on planet Xylotyl, needs to stabilize population by forcing some birds to relocate] **
Papa Finch: "Hmm... Ahh... Humm...Uhhh...Ahem. Ahem. Hmm...Ummm... Ahem... Hmmm..." (just drag this out)
Mama Finch (in the window): "What is it honey? Something interesting on TV?"
Papa Finch: "We are ... hmm... We've been spotted."
Mama Finch : "Spotted?! What do you mean spotted? You mean we've been ratted on?"
** Just then the children arrive home **
Kid Finch: "Hey mom. Hey Pop. "
Papa & Mama (in unison) : "Hello loves"
Sissy Finch (blurts out) : "They chased us!"
Papa: "What do you mean they chased us? Who's they? "
Kid (whispering): "Shhh!! Sissy (pokes her with his wing), be quiet! You know how they get"
Sissy (whispering): "Sorry"
Papa: "No what? What's going on?? We demand to know what happened!"
Kid (grumbling): "No it's nothing really. We were playing Catch your Beak and uh, we forgot we weren't on Xylotyl..."
Papa: "Uh huh. Go on, so what else"
Kid: "Well you see we weren't quite alone..."
Sissy (interrupting) : "We didn't know any better!" (Flaps her wings wildly)
Kid: "Please be quiet! (looks at Sissy sharply) So anyways, yeah we were playing Catch your Beak. And... we forgot to morph into human mode...
We thought we were alone! Really!"
Papa (shakes his head, i mean moves his beak): "Well they know already. This is just emphasizing what they discovered."
Kid, Sissy, Mama (all at once, or just one character whatever) : "What do you mean?"
Papa: "Look (points to screen)"
(from Farrell)....
[Sissy: "Kid and I were playing catch your beak together after school and all of a sudden huge men in camo (aside to audience: I mean really who are they kidding with the camo... we could see them plain as day) invaded the playground. Kid and I hid in the bushes and watched as the men questioned all of the birds around us about whether or not they had seen any finches lately. That's when kid got scared"
Kid: "Nu uh I did NOT!"
Sissy: "Yes you DID! Anyway, Papa, we were really scared and kid blew our cover and started running home. They chased us until we got to the tree by the library, but I think we lost them."
Papa: You THINK you lost them? Children, in times like these we must be careful. (pause... to himself kind of in a gentle tone) I can't believe it!!! They really are doing it!! Everyone brace yourselves. We've got to go into hiding until this all hopefully passes over.
Mom: What do you mean dear? What is going on?
Papa: Look ]
Mama: "Oh dear. Well kids come here quickly and let me give you a bit of food " **Mmm... vomit. Just my dish.**
Act I: Scene II
[cut to TV telling about the situation]
TV anchorman: "Just in... Finch-shaped creatures have been spotted walking amidst the streets. The president has asked the people to remain as calm as possible as they are currently sending out operational forces to scope out the extent of the situation. Again, do not be alarmed if you see one. Please call your local authorities, and they will further assist you in what to do. We do not know currently if they are armed or dangerous. But we will keep you informed when we receive further instructions and information. Again, please notify your local authorities if you see one"
Kid: "Oh bird shit!"
Papa: "That's not necessary Kid"
Mama: "What are we going to do??"
Papa: "I'll tell you what we'll do **aagahgahgahbookybookyookookdoooooo** "
**Narrator : Kid, Mama, Sissy: [All stare at Papa like he has gone completely mad - which incidentally he had]**
Papa: "No that's what we'll do. It's an old trick you see. My pops use to tell me during dire times that the saying would elevate us"
Kid: "What do you mean "elevate us" papa?"
Papa: "Like you know, uhh fly"
Sissy: [eyes pop out] "Fly?! But... but... we've never flown in our life!"
** Narrator: Even Mama was afraid at this point with the whole flying bit. Had papa stumbled unto something amazing? Or was he leading the family
into his nest of nuttiness? Hmm... It's hard to tell at this point. **
ACT II: Scene I
Papa: "No I know. Flying isn't really something us Finches have ever done on the planet of Xylotyl. But times are a desperate. Your gramps use to tell me
about this trick. Apparently it's inherent in us he says, but because Penguin (narrator: who actually was the dictator of Xylotyl for about now 300 zions - which on Earth equals 2000 years- yeah it's crazy) couldn't fly he didn't want anyone else to either. But there's a certain call us Finches can emit that will help signal us to fly."
Kid: "Is this guaranteed? For real? I mean have you ever tried it???"
Papa: "Welll... not really."
Kid: "So how can we know this will work?"
Papa: "Boy, your gramps don't lie!"
Mama : [nods/ shakes her head] "Don't question your father dear"
Kid: "Sorry. It just seems so... incredible to me, ya know? "
Papa: "Well it is. A miracle in fact. But it's been done"
Sissy: "So how do you suggest we do this? Like. How will it work?"
Papa: "Oh wouldn't we all like to know... Actually, it isn't that hard. You know, this thing ( **aagahgahgahbookybookyookookdoooooo** ) "
**So the family decided to give it a shot. And they all did it. All except Baby Egg, who hadn't even cracked yet, much less have the ability to vocalize.
Soon they found themselves flying or as papa liked to call it "elevating". It was lucky for them because just as soon as they were leaving back to their planet (no these finches could fly into outer space without imploding) the FEDs came in and demanded their heads. Unfortunately, baby egg was still there.
But don't worry, the FEDs didn't arrest him (they didn't notice him since he blent in so well with the family room). He stayed there until he cracked and flew back on his own. So in the end the story was short and painless. But in our next chapter, the family will conquer a new planet. Stay tuned ... **
here goes...
adapted from chicken little (but not really)
It's the Spring Season
**Narrator (2)
Papa Finch
Mother Finch (in the window)
Kid Finch
Sissy Finch
Baby Egg
Narrator (with an English accent): On a bright, sunny day. Come to think of it. It's always bright and sunny. I'm tired of fake sceneries.
2nd narrator: Oh come on, Niehls (some random name). Why do you always have to be so damn pessimistic? Aren't we trying to tell a nice story to the children?
Narrator (now named Niehls?) : Yes yes, but you're American. You know us Englishmen. We can't rely on our weather.
2nd narrator: Alright you've got a point. Let's continue then huh?
Narrator (Niehls) : Yes Yes, lets do. ... So anyways, It was bright and sunny (but mind you it was in California, where it can ONLY be bright and sunny)
[2nd narrator rolls eyes, but no one can see except script reading folks, thats you] at the barnyard. There was a finch. Now typically there are chickens running around in barnyards. But these were no ordinary finches you see. These finches have arrived from Xylotyl (pronunciation: "Zii-Lo-Toe") . Again generally the name xylotyl belongs to a strange little amphibian type creature, but in recent years, the creature sold their name and gave property rights due to their "supposed" need to take charge of their species and their need to revise history. So they sold the name to these finches on the planet now renamed Xylotyl. Now let's begin the story.
** Darkness. A green light darts across the sky. The light slows down and suspends in the air for a few seconds. (fog fills the room) . Out pops the family.
The family of finches that is. **
Act I : Scene I
** Pop is sitting in the chair. Watching the Television. He is unusually quiet this morning. Staring very blankly at the screen. It reads: "Invasion of Bird creatures on planet Earth (they're really right next door)". [other ideas to entertain: 1) it's hunting season on planet Earth - uh oh watch out birds. 2) over-populated on planet Xylotyl, needs to stabilize population by forcing some birds to relocate] **
Papa Finch: "Hmm... Ahh... Humm...Uhhh...Ahem. Ahem. Hmm...Ummm... Ahem... Hmmm..." (just drag this out)
Mama Finch (in the window): "What is it honey? Something interesting on TV?"
Papa Finch: "We are ... hmm... We've been spotted."
Mama Finch : "Spotted?! What do you mean spotted? You mean we've been ratted on?"
** Just then the children arrive home **
Kid Finch: "Hey mom. Hey Pop. "
Papa & Mama (in unison) : "Hello loves"
Sissy Finch (blurts out) : "They chased us!"
Papa: "What do you mean they chased us? Who's they? "
Kid (whispering): "Shhh!! Sissy (pokes her with his wing), be quiet! You know how they get"
Sissy (whispering): "Sorry"
Papa: "No what? What's going on?? We demand to know what happened!"
Kid (grumbling): "No it's nothing really. We were playing Catch your Beak and uh, we forgot we weren't on Xylotyl..."
Papa: "Uh huh. Go on, so what else"
Kid: "Well you see we weren't quite alone..."
Sissy (interrupting) : "We didn't know any better!" (Flaps her wings wildly)
Kid: "Please be quiet! (looks at Sissy sharply) So anyways, yeah we were playing Catch your Beak. And... we forgot to morph into human mode...
We thought we were alone! Really!"
Papa (shakes his head, i mean moves his beak): "Well they know already. This is just emphasizing what they discovered."
Kid, Sissy, Mama (all at once, or just one character whatever) : "What do you mean?"
Papa: "Look (points to screen)"
(from Farrell)....
[Sissy: "Kid and I were playing catch your beak together after school and all of a sudden huge men in camo (aside to audience: I mean really who are they kidding with the camo... we could see them plain as day) invaded the playground. Kid and I hid in the bushes and watched as the men questioned all of the birds around us about whether or not they had seen any finches lately. That's when kid got scared"
Kid: "Nu uh I did NOT!"
Sissy: "Yes you DID! Anyway, Papa, we were really scared and kid blew our cover and started running home. They chased us until we got to the tree by the library, but I think we lost them."
Papa: You THINK you lost them? Children, in times like these we must be careful. (pause... to himself kind of in a gentle tone) I can't believe it!!! They really are doing it!! Everyone brace yourselves. We've got to go into hiding until this all hopefully passes over.
Mom: What do you mean dear? What is going on?
Papa: Look ]
Mama: "Oh dear. Well kids come here quickly and let me give you a bit of food " **Mmm... vomit. Just my dish.**
Act I: Scene II
[cut to TV telling about the situation]
TV anchorman: "Just in... Finch-shaped creatures have been spotted walking amidst the streets. The president has asked the people to remain as calm as possible as they are currently sending out operational forces to scope out the extent of the situation. Again, do not be alarmed if you see one. Please call your local authorities, and they will further assist you in what to do. We do not know currently if they are armed or dangerous. But we will keep you informed when we receive further instructions and information. Again, please notify your local authorities if you see one"
Kid: "Oh bird shit!"
Papa: "That's not necessary Kid"
Mama: "What are we going to do??"
Papa: "I'll tell you what we'll do **aagahgahgahbookybookyookookdoooooo** "
**Narrator : Kid, Mama, Sissy: [All stare at Papa like he has gone completely mad - which incidentally he had]**
Papa: "No that's what we'll do. It's an old trick you see. My pops use to tell me during dire times that the saying would elevate us"
Kid: "What do you mean "elevate us" papa?"
Papa: "Like you know, uhh fly"
Sissy: [eyes pop out] "Fly?! But... but... we've never flown in our life!"
** Narrator: Even Mama was afraid at this point with the whole flying bit. Had papa stumbled unto something amazing? Or was he leading the family
into his nest of nuttiness? Hmm... It's hard to tell at this point. **
ACT II: Scene I
Papa: "No I know. Flying isn't really something us Finches have ever done on the planet of Xylotyl. But times are a desperate. Your gramps use to tell me
about this trick. Apparently it's inherent in us he says, but because Penguin (narrator: who actually was the dictator of Xylotyl for about now 300 zions - which on Earth equals 2000 years- yeah it's crazy) couldn't fly he didn't want anyone else to either. But there's a certain call us Finches can emit that will help signal us to fly."
Kid: "Is this guaranteed? For real? I mean have you ever tried it???"
Papa: "Welll... not really."
Kid: "So how can we know this will work?"
Papa: "Boy, your gramps don't lie!"
Mama : [nods/ shakes her head] "Don't question your father dear"
Kid: "Sorry. It just seems so... incredible to me, ya know? "
Papa: "Well it is. A miracle in fact. But it's been done"
Sissy: "So how do you suggest we do this? Like. How will it work?"
Papa: "Oh wouldn't we all like to know... Actually, it isn't that hard. You know, this thing ( **aagahgahgahbookybookyookookdoooooo** ) "
**So the family decided to give it a shot. And they all did it. All except Baby Egg, who hadn't even cracked yet, much less have the ability to vocalize.
Soon they found themselves flying or as papa liked to call it "elevating". It was lucky for them because just as soon as they were leaving back to their planet (no these finches could fly into outer space without imploding) the FEDs came in and demanded their heads. Unfortunately, baby egg was still there.
But don't worry, the FEDs didn't arrest him (they didn't notice him since he blent in so well with the family room). He stayed there until he cracked and flew back on his own. So in the end the story was short and painless. But in our next chapter, the family will conquer a new planet. Stay tuned ... **
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Little part of script
Ok so I wrote different drafts of the script. But here's the most recently revised script. Add on to it. Edit it. Make it goood.
adapted from chicken little (but not really)
It's the Spring Season
Narrator (2)
Papa Finch
Mother Finch (in the window)
Kid Finch
Sissy Finch
Baby Egg
Narrator (with an English accent): On a bright, sunny day. Come to think of it. It's always bright and sunny. I'm tired of fake sceneries.
2nd narrator: Oh come on, Niehls (some random name). Why do you always have to be so damn pessimistic? Aren't we trying to tell a nice story to the children?
Narrator (now named Niehls?) : Yes yes, but you're American. You know us Englishmen. We can't rely on our weather.
2nd narrator: Alright you've got a point. Let's continue then huh?
Narrator (Niehls) : Yes Yes, lets do. ... So anyways, It was bright and sunny (but mind you it was in California, where it can ONLY be bright and sunny)
[2nd narrator rolls eyes, but no one can see except script reading folks, thats you] at the barnyard. There was a finch. Now typically there are chickens running around in barnyards. But these were no ordinary finches you see. These finches have arrived from Xylotyl (pronunciation: "Zii-Lo-Toe") . Again generally the name xylotyl belongs to a strange little amphibian type creature, but in recent years, the creature sold their name and gave property rights due to their "supposed" need to take charge of their species and their need to revise history. So they sold the name to these finches on the planet now renamed Xylotyl. Now let's begin the story.
** Darkness. A green light darts across the sky. The light slows down and suspends in the air for a few seconds. (fog fills the room) . Out pops the family.
The family of finches that is. **
Act I : Scene I
** Pop is sitting in the chair. Reading the paper. He is unusually quiet this morning. Staring very blankly at the paper. It reads: "Invasion of Bird creatures on planet Earth (they're really right next door)". [other ideas to entertain: 1) it's hunting season on planet Earth - uh oh watch out birds. 2) over-populated on planet Xylotyl, needs to stabilize population by forcing some birds to relocate] **
Papa Finch: "Hmm... Ahh... Humm...Uhhh...Ahem. Ahem. Hmm...Ummm... Ahem... Hmmm..." (just drag this out)
Mama Finch (in the window): "What is it honey? Something interesting in the paper?"
Papa Finch: "We are ... hmm... We've been spotted."
Mama Finch : "Spotted?! What do you mean spotted? You mean we've been ratted on?"
** Just then the children arrive home **
Kid Finch: "Hey mom. Hey Pop. "
Papa & Mama (in unison) : "Hello loves"
Sissy Finch (blurts out) : "They chased us!"
Papa: "What do you mean they chased us? Who's they? "
Kid (whispering): "Shhh!! Sissy (pokes her with his wing), be quiet! You know how they get"
Sissy (whispering): "Sorry"
Papa: "No what? What's going on?? We demand to know what happened!"
Kid (grumbling): "No it's nothing really. We were playing Catch your Beak and uh, we forgot we weren't on Xylotyl..."
Papa: "Uh huh. Go on, so what else"
Kid: "Well you see we weren't quite alone..."
Sissy (interrupting) : "We didn't know any better!" (Flaps her wings wildly)
Kid: "Please be quiet! (looks at Sissy sharply) So anyways, yeah we were playing Catch your Beak. And... we forgot to morph into human mode...
We thought we were alone! Really!"
Papa (shakes his head, i mean moves his beak): "Well they know already. This is just emphasizing what they discovered."
Kid, Sissy, Mama (all at once, or just one character whatever) : "What do you mean?"
Papa: "Look (points to the paper headline)"
Mama: "Oh dear"
adapted from chicken little (but not really)
It's the Spring Season
Narrator (2)
Papa Finch
Mother Finch (in the window)
Kid Finch
Sissy Finch
Baby Egg
Narrator (with an English accent): On a bright, sunny day. Come to think of it. It's always bright and sunny. I'm tired of fake sceneries.
2nd narrator: Oh come on, Niehls (some random name). Why do you always have to be so damn pessimistic? Aren't we trying to tell a nice story to the children?
Narrator (now named Niehls?) : Yes yes, but you're American. You know us Englishmen. We can't rely on our weather.
2nd narrator: Alright you've got a point. Let's continue then huh?
Narrator (Niehls) : Yes Yes, lets do. ... So anyways, It was bright and sunny (but mind you it was in California, where it can ONLY be bright and sunny)
[2nd narrator rolls eyes, but no one can see except script reading folks, thats you] at the barnyard. There was a finch. Now typically there are chickens running around in barnyards. But these were no ordinary finches you see. These finches have arrived from Xylotyl (pronunciation: "Zii-Lo-Toe") . Again generally the name xylotyl belongs to a strange little amphibian type creature, but in recent years, the creature sold their name and gave property rights due to their "supposed" need to take charge of their species and their need to revise history. So they sold the name to these finches on the planet now renamed Xylotyl. Now let's begin the story.
** Darkness. A green light darts across the sky. The light slows down and suspends in the air for a few seconds. (fog fills the room) . Out pops the family.
The family of finches that is. **
Act I : Scene I
** Pop is sitting in the chair. Reading the paper. He is unusually quiet this morning. Staring very blankly at the paper. It reads: "Invasion of Bird creatures on planet Earth (they're really right next door)". [other ideas to entertain: 1) it's hunting season on planet Earth - uh oh watch out birds. 2) over-populated on planet Xylotyl, needs to stabilize population by forcing some birds to relocate] **
Papa Finch: "Hmm... Ahh... Humm...Uhhh...Ahem. Ahem. Hmm...Ummm... Ahem... Hmmm..." (just drag this out)
Mama Finch (in the window): "What is it honey? Something interesting in the paper?"
Papa Finch: "We are ... hmm... We've been spotted."
Mama Finch : "Spotted?! What do you mean spotted? You mean we've been ratted on?"
** Just then the children arrive home **
Kid Finch: "Hey mom. Hey Pop. "
Papa & Mama (in unison) : "Hello loves"
Sissy Finch (blurts out) : "They chased us!"
Papa: "What do you mean they chased us? Who's they? "
Kid (whispering): "Shhh!! Sissy (pokes her with his wing), be quiet! You know how they get"
Sissy (whispering): "Sorry"
Papa: "No what? What's going on?? We demand to know what happened!"
Kid (grumbling): "No it's nothing really. We were playing Catch your Beak and uh, we forgot we weren't on Xylotyl..."
Papa: "Uh huh. Go on, so what else"
Kid: "Well you see we weren't quite alone..."
Sissy (interrupting) : "We didn't know any better!" (Flaps her wings wildly)
Kid: "Please be quiet! (looks at Sissy sharply) So anyways, yeah we were playing Catch your Beak. And... we forgot to morph into human mode...
We thought we were alone! Really!"
Papa (shakes his head, i mean moves his beak): "Well they know already. This is just emphasizing what they discovered."
Kid, Sissy, Mama (all at once, or just one character whatever) : "What do you mean?"
Papa: "Look (points to the paper headline)"
Mama: "Oh dear"
Friday, November 18, 2005
meeting sunday, 1 pm
Hey Jan, we're gonna meet on Sunday at 1 p.m. If you can, post the part of the script you've worked on so that we can all add to it and work on some ideas for sunday.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
psychedelic space birds?
We finished painting the last bird characters, and noted how zany and colorful they were compared to the house setting (to be completed soon). I'm glad that I didn't write too much of the script yet, because I think we might discard it and write about this crazy family instead. Our original script consisted of birds that were unable to fly, and we wanted to create a sort of didactic telling surrounding this conservative family? Well at least that is the impression I got. But with the actual production of the birds, I don't think a conservative family will do. Anyways, I agree with getting the construction done and then do more of the script. I mean I'm still writing it in bits. But I like how the production of this is going.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
We worked a little bit more out of class today.
Including painting bird puppets, wallpapering, background of the mother's kitchen, tissue papering the wings.
Sundays at the studio might become a regular event in the future. So book for 1 in the afternoon on Sundays from now on.
Evidence of work 2 weeks ago

AND today...

YES! some work done! Woo-hoo!
Including painting bird puppets, wallpapering, background of the mother's kitchen, tissue papering the wings.
Sundays at the studio might become a regular event in the future. So book for 1 in the afternoon on Sundays from now on.
Evidence of work 2 weeks ago

AND today...

YES! some work done! Woo-hoo!
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